
A couple nights ago (early February 2024), we asked you to pray and although we couldn’t give a lot of detail, we are excited to now share with you about how our God answered and provided!

As you know, tension is extra high in Haiti right now and the threat of violence is always looming. A couple of days ago, one of our head guards at the Mission Center got news that the local gang members were planning to target our property overnight. Our guard immediately shared that news with Pastor Herve, who then shared it with us and requested extra prayer coverage. That’s where you, our prayer partners, came in.

Well… God not only honored our requests but provided in a way that was more creative than any of us would have even thought to ask!

In this picture you may see a muddy, flooded mess… but we see a miracle. A couple hours after we put out a call for prayer, the ocean waves started roaring and the flood waters came all the way up onto our property. Because of the flooding, the gang members were deterred and the property was protected. There wasn’t a big storm and there hadn’t been days of rain that would have caused the flooding… it was all God providing protection in a way that only He could. He is the same God that parted the waters for Moses and calmed the storm for the disciples on the boat. Tuesday night, He caused the waters to rage and proved that He still performs miracles!

We are praising Him and thanking Him for his goodness, and we continue to pray for His protection over our property and our staff. The gang members have since come back to our property, but have not gained access or caused harm. The flood waters have forced them to go to the more secure entrance which is also harder to communicate through. Both times, their plans couldn’t be followed through, they got distracted & left. Please pray that they stay distracted elsewhere and do not come back. Please pray for our staff there protecting our property.

Thank you for being quick & faithful to join us in prayer. Let’s praise God for His goodness and for being the God who never changes!


Ministry Briefing Recordings - March 7, 2024


Christ in the Heart