Missional Discipleship

Schools and Leadership Training

Mission Possible operates schools in Haiti and the Dominican Republic which allow students to receive a Christian education and nutritious school lunches. Our schools provide an excellent learning environment, high academic standards, and Biblical instruction. Through our Education Scholarship Fund or student sponsorship, you can offer students a life-changing opportunity to discover their God-given possibilities.

We are training a future generation of pastors, teachers, school administrators, and other leaders to impact their communities. Our Student Leadership program teaches good habits for students in all grades, and mentors high school student leaders. Adult leaders are trained in servant-leadership through additional leadership seminars. Many teachers in Haitian culture lack a high school or college education. We provide education seminars and training to equip teachers to serve with excellence.

Pastoral Training

Many pastors and lay leaders in Haitian and Dominican culture lack seminary level training. Mission Possible specifically targets seminars and education to equip pastors and lay-people in biblical instruction and leadership.

Pre & Post Trip Training

A seven-day mission trip is an event in itself. This experience opens the eyes of the missionary to what God is doing on an international scale. Discipleship training before the trip and after the trip enhances the spiritual development of the trip member. Pre and post trip training is intentional in purpose and meaning.

  • Contribute through our Education Scholarship Fund for life-changing opportunities.

  • We train future leaders, including pastors, teachers, and administrators, through programs like the Student Leadership initiative, adult leadership seminars, and education seminars to equip teachers for serving with excellence.

  • We target seminars and education to provide biblical instruction and leadership training, addressing the specific needs of pastors and lay-people in Haitian and Dominican communities.